Friday, November 17, 2006

Benelli Nova, Google & You

From my SiteMeter reports, there seem to be a lot of folks searching for some Google combination of "Benelli" "Nova" and "Review", so in order to better serve the searching audiance I have stickied the post "The New (S)Hotness" to the sidebar under GUN REVIEWS. Since I have another one coming, I feel confident in keeping the 'S' in REVIEWS.

Happy Surfing!


Troy M. Stirman said...

Darren- time for a "carry" gun, my friend. Any upcoming reviews for us to salivate over...?


Darren Duvall said...

When you're 6'5" and weigh 250 lbs., a pump shotgun is a carry gun...

I keed.

Yes. Later today, if I can manage it.

I'll give you a hint: It comes with a blue label and is the favored sidearm of a particularly belligerent species of marine mammal...